Friday, July 20, 2007


More ATCs with a summer theme, here I've used photos taken on a beach in Tanzania together with other materials so you can see what you can obtain.

A playing card for the base then painted and crackel effect given, photo of Tanzanian beach and a vintage 50's image put on top.

Base paper for acrylics painted blue, photo of Tanzanian beach, a vintage image stamped onto transpancy sheet and a vintage music sheet.

My favourite, base acrylic paper painted then beach photo , a trasparency of vintage angel image.

Base acrylic paper painted, photo of T. beach and a cut vintage transpancy image.

Base acrylic paper painted, T.beach photo, vintage praying lady image transfered onto muslin and glued onto photo, a small strip of vintage sheet music

1 comment:

Webmaster said...

Wow! Those are lovely!