Friday, November 25, 2011

thankful panic over

Just posted out my Secret Santa Gifts to my partners.............boy am I glad I've finished !!! I love doing these things but I get myself into such a tiz and panic, you should see the kitchen ...well let's say it's now an art room !!! luckily I haven't confussed the food with my art supplies......mind you with my cooking don't think that would be such a bad idea !!!! :) :) :)

I keep going back to look at my partners profile of likes and dislikes and then feel that what I've done isn't good enough so it's back to square one !!! Trying to decide what to send in the end was just as difficult........dunno why but I always end up in this predicament !!!.

Just had a look on PPF wow what a greyt bunch of artwork by some fantastic artists. You know I am truly grateful to all the artists I've met over the last couple of years and their generosity in sharing techniques and tips , which have helped me grow in my artwork...thank you one and all.

Here is a chunky page I did with what I could do with now .....a wave her magic wand and all will be clean and tidy in my kitchen !!! :)

Have a greyt weekend ...tonight boogie woogie lesson and on Sunday a kulture kustom fair...yay

hugs crafty

linking to :- PAINT PARTY FRIDAY


carol l mckenna said...

She is adorable and I love your art style! ~~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Joan, this is fantastic! I really love your faces. :) Thanks for offering to send me italian book pages. I'll e-mail you my address. And I'm sure you did a great job with the christmas gifts. It's very hard to know what people will like or not but if you give it from your heart it's always precious. :)

EVA said...

Lovely, she is totally charming!

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful. she's so cute and i absolutely love the collaged book words in the background.

Netty said...

Wonderful page and a great expression on her face. Happy PPF and have a great weekend. x

wednesday said...

This is great. I could have used a fairy last night to help clean my kitchen as well.

Unknown said...

Love how you rendered the background!!

Rosie Kaplan said...

I need her to clean up from my baking. She is very cute and i like the background

Tracey FK said...

She is beautiful and the look on her face is priceless... just lovely!!!

Hybrid J said...

Such cutie ... full of magic and love. Wonderful!

Ayala Art said...

She is fantastic! Great colors too.

Mandy said...

she us so up to something...i love

Anonymous said...

Haha, love this post! It's funny, I was actually picturing you as the fairy, fluttering around your kitchen with all your supplies and ingredients! I'm the same way when giving gifts though, always second guessing myself.

ANNE said...

So cute & I love the background.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Cute! Awesome colouring.

Victoria said...

Beautiful...such a gorgeous piece! Lovely and inspiring!

JKW said...

I love your creativity. She is adorable. Blessings, Janet PPF

Daniele Valois said...

oh goodness, she is CUTE!!!!

GlorV1 said...

What a cutie pie. Nice work. Thanks for sharing.

fatmonica said...

I love this!You have a fantastic blog!I'll be back to see more of your art work.

fatmonica said...

I love this!You have a fantastic blog!I'll be back to see more of your art work.