Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Here is my entry for THINK MONDAY THINK ATC, this weeks theme WOMEN IN ART. I have chosen a young artist of our present day.

The artist who has inspired me is the one and only
not only artisically but also spiritually.

Thanx Suzi...............you rock.


crafty in Italy


Sandy said...

Wow stunning ATC. Fantastic work. Love it.

Femmy said...

beautiful atc!!!!

Clau said...

Fab ATC, especially the background.

-mari- said...

This is great! I love SuziBlu too:)

Hermine said...

Looks great!!

Jann said...

I love your ATCs! You are very, very talented--I especially love the one of the vintage woman on the beach! ~Jann

Fab said...

Hi thanks for you lovely comment on my blog. Vivo vicino a Chiswick (Shepherds Bush). Ogni tanto quando riesco ad uscire andiamo sulla High Street a Chiswick ci sono due coffee shop proprio carini. Mandami una email con i tuoi dettagli (vai sul mio profile, please) e cosi facciamo un ATC swap.

suzi blu said...

I FINALLY got around to putting a link to your blog on my blog. Thanks for your patience my friend!